(b. 23 June 1953, Rosario). Argentinean composer of mostly chamber and vocal works that have been performed in Argentina and Spain. Mr. Fernández studied harmony and piano with Norma Scarafía at the Instituto Scarafía in Rosario in 1973, then studied analysis with Virtú Maragno at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario from 1974–79, where he earned the title Profesor Nacional. He also studied form and techniques of contemporary music privately with Dante Grela in Rosario from 1976–81 and later studied electroacoustic music with him privately in Rosario in 1991, on a grant from the government of the Provincia de Santa Fe. Among his honours are Primer Premio in the competition Virtú Maragno of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (2005, for Ofrenda). He is also active in other positions. He served as choral director of the provinces of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe from 1977–89. He was a founding member of the Agrupación Nueva Música de Rosario from 1981–84 and served as its treasurer in 1983–84. He has served as a teaching assistant at various classes on contemporary music in Rosario. CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail address: COMPLETE LIST OF WORKS ORCHESTRAL: Pensamientos II, 1993–95 CHAMBER MUSIC: Superposiciones, 4 guitars, 1975 Antiqua, flute, guitar, 1981 ALGama, flute, clarinet, percussion, 1982 F. K., guitar, c. 1983 Gestatio-omnis, clarinet, French horn, 1984–85 Preludio, clarinet, 1994 Variaciones Erráticas, guitar, 1994–95 ALTERNANCIAS (Resonancias alternadas), flute, oboe (+ English horn), clarinet (+ bass clarinet), 2 French horns, tuba, cello, double bass, 1995 Anáfora, 4 saxophones, 2006 CHORAL: Canto Arterial (text by Adrián Zimbaldo), 4 mixed voices, 1998 Pater Noster, Amen, 4 mixed voices, 2003 Salve Regina, 5 mixed voices, 2006–07 PIANO: Preludio sobre un Triste, 1999 DIDACTIC MUSIC: Cuatro Piezas para Flauta, flute, 1976 Ofrenda, orchestra, 2005 Meditación del Crepúsculo, guitar, 2006 | ||