(b. 24 January 1936, New York, New York). American composer of mostly stage, orchestral, chamber, vocal, piano, electroacoustic, and multimedia works that have been performed throughout the world; he is also active as a clarinettist and writer. Mr. Goode initially studied philosophy at Oberlin College in Ohio, where he graduated with a BA in 1957, and later studied composition with Henry Cowell and Otto Luening at Columbia University, where he earned his MA in 1962. He had further studies with Kenneth Gaburo and Pauline Oliveros at the University of California, San Diego from 1968–70. As a clarinettist, he has performed hundreds of premières. He was a performer in the ensemble for music and ritual Sounds Out of Silent Spaces in New York, New York from 1972–79. He co-founded with Barbara Benary and Philip Corner Gamelan Son of Lion in New York, New York in 1976, with which he has performed since 1976. He also co-founded with William Hellermann the DownTown Ensemble in New York, New York in 1983 and has served as its co-director since 1983. As a writer, his books are From Notebooks (1984, Frog Peak Music) and One Page Pieces (second edition, 1999, Frog Peak Music). In addition, he edited the collection Frog Peak Rock Music Book (1995, Frog Peak Music). He taught at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks in 1963–64, where he was involved in the performance of Renaissance music. He taught at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey from 1971–98, where he founded the Electronic Music Studio and served as its director. He also taught as a guest at Osh State University in Kyrgyzstan in 1997. His primary publisher is Frog Peak Music. CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail address: COMPLETE LIST OF WORKS STAGE: The Tempest (incidental music, play by William Shakespeare), 1964 Orbits, any 2 players, 6 moving players, 1970 Faust (incidental music, play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe), 1974 Faust Crosses the Raritan somewhere in West Africa (dance music, choreography by Gale Ormiston), female dancer, piano, fixed media, 1989 (version of work for synthesizer) Imperceptible Mutabilities in the Third Kingdom (incidental music, play by Suzan-Lori Parks), fixed media, 1989 The Autobiography of New York (incidental music, play by Suzanne Zavrian), ensemble of toy instruments, 1993 Dans King, puppet show, gamelan, 1995 V. O. I. D. (Velocity of Interfering Data) (dance music, choreography by Pauline de Groot), clarinet, 1996 Frogs (dance music, choreography by Helmut Gottschild), clarinet, 1996 Re:Sound (dance music, choreography by Jody Oberfelder), 7 dancers, gamelan, 1998 Ländler Land, 3 cellos, 2 pianos, dancing audience, 1999–2000 Bluish Haze, gamelan, dancing audience, 2001 Walking down the Avenue, clarinet, 2 violas, cello, 2 pianos, dancing audience, 2003 (version of work for accordion) ORCHESTRAL: Inner Motions I–IV, small orchestra (14 players), 1969–74 Chord Progression, 1977 Circular Thoughts, gamelan, 1977 (version of work for clarinet; also version for orchestra by Tom Johnson, 1980) Hear the Sound of Random Numbers, gamelan, 1979 Phrases of the Hermit Thrush, clarinet, string orchestra, 1979 (version of work for clarinet) Eine Kleine Gamelan Music, any number of players ad libitum, gamelan, 1980 (also version as Eine Kleine..., any ensemble [versions by Nick Didkovsky for 2 electric guitars; electric guitar, variable ensemble]; version for orchestra, 1991; version as Eine Kleine Gamelan/Computer Music, gamelan, computer, 1995 [collaboration with Larry Polansky]) 40 Random Numbered Clangs, gamelan, 1980 Wind Symphony, 1980 Semaphores, gamelan, 1981 The Brooklyn Bridge comes to..., gamelan, fixed media, 1981 (also version for variable ensemble, fixed media) Cape Breton Concerto, 6 traditional violins, piano, symphonic band, 1982 Fiddle Studies, 8 violins, orchestra, 1982 (version of chamber work) Tremolo, gamelan, 1982 (section of Gamelan NEA, a collaboration with Barbara Benary, Philip Corner, Peter Griggs; may be performed separately) Gong Dance à 7, gamelan, 1982 Slendro Clarinet, Welcome!, clarinet (tuned in slendro), gamelan, 1986 Flower Forms I, symphonic band, 1988 Needles and Thread, 2 violins, gamelan, 1989 Flower Forms II–III, symphonic band, 1990 Dans Music, gamelan, 1992 Puppet Dance, gamelan, 1993 Two Dans Music, gamelan, 1993 Slendro Clarinet (in Pelog), clarinet, gamelan, 1994 Sad – Happy, gamelan, 1998 (its two sections may be performed separately) 5 SE, gamelan, 2002, revised 2003 Ann-Track, alto flute, clarinet, trombone, 12 cellos, 2003–04 AnnCela Express, flute, clarinet, trombone, 12 cellos, 2004–05 Annbling, 2 clarinets, 10 trombones, viola, double bass, piano, vibraphone, gongs, 2006–07 CHAMBER MUSIC: Sonata, clarinet, piano, 1959–60 Piece, French horn, trumpet, trombone, 1961 Symphonia, violin, cello, piano, 1964 Étude, string quartet, 1966 Rounds, 2 ensembles, 1967 Symphonia, flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, bassoon, 1968 Music-plus-One, cello, fixed media, 1968 Placements, trombone, cello, timpani, 1968 Bell Rows, 6 bells/any other resonant objects (2 players), fixed media, 1971 Some Circular Ideas, clarinet, 1973 Circular Thoughts, clarinet, 1973 (also versions for 4 percussion, 1983; piano; gamelan; version by Tom Johnson for orchestra) ...continuing from before..., any 3–6 players, 1974 Paths II: Concerto, piano, ensemble (flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, viola), 1974 (version of Paths I) Phrases of the Hermit Thrush, clarinet, 1974 (also version for clarinet, string orchestra) Stamping in the Dark, any 2 or more stamping players, 1974 Hypnotica Domestica, kitchen sounds (any number of players), fixed media, 1975 Traveling Music, flute, clarinet, trombone, violin, piano, 1975 Two Thrushes, flute, oboe, 1975 Faust Crosses the Raritan somewhere in West Africa, synthesizer, 1975 (also version for female dancer, piano, fixed media) Cape Breton Fiddle Tunes, clarinet, 1976 Five Thrushes – Two Fiddles, 7 players, 1976 (also version as Five Thrushes – Two Fiddles and Piano, 8 players, 1978) Mockingbird, improvisational clarinet, 1976 The Thrush from Upper Dunakyn, bass recorder, 1976 Mantra Swing, accordion, variable ensemble, 1977 Random Chords, 4 gamelan players, 1979 (also version for clarinet [tuned in slendro], 4 gamelan players, 1983) Eine Kleine..., any ensemble, 1980 (version of Eine Kleine Gamelan Music; also versions by Nick Didkovsky for 2 electric guitars, 1995; electric guitar, variable ensemble, 1997) Graphic Music without Rules, any number of players, 1980 The Red and White Cows, any number of players, 1980 The Brooklyn Bridge comes to..., variable ensemble, fixed media, 1981 (version of work for gamelan, fixed media) Fiddle Studies, flute, oboe, clarinet, soprano saxophone, 1981 (also version for 8 violins, orchestra) Find a Third Sound..., flute, piano, 1981 Three Random Fingers, clarinet, computer, 1982 Thrush Quintet, clarinet, string quartet, 1982 Walk-Up Passacaglia, improvisational ensemble (clarinet, alto saxophone, piano), 1983 (also version for clarinet, alto saxophone, piano, improvisational ensemble [flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, tuba, violin, viola, cello, percussion], 1983) Gong Spread, handheld gongs (3 or more players), 1983 Tuba Thrush, trombone/tuba/double bass, 1984 Shaking Music, flute, clarinet, trombone, violin, electronic keyboard, 1985 Walking down the Avenue, accordion, 1986 (also version for clarinet, 2 violas, cello, 2 pianos, dancing audience) Wisp, synthesizer, 1986 Diet Polka, accordion, 1987 (also version for piano; version by Guy Klucevsek for any 2 strings, accordion, 1988) Drone World, clarinet, trombone, 1987 (collaboration with Peter Zummo) Tunnel-Funnel, 4 flutes (1st + alto flute, piccolo, 2nd, 3rd + alto flute, 4th + alto flute, bass flute), 3 trombones, tenor-bass trombone, 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, piano, percussion, 1988 Stone Structures, 2 resonant rocks (any number of players), 1989 Three Talking Sculptures for Election Day, any ensemble, 1992 Clarinet Songs, clarinet, 1979–93 Nod-Drama, any ensemble, 1993 Eight Thrushes, Accordion and Bagpipe, accordion, variable folk ensemble, variable ensemble (8 players), fixed media, 1994 Dr. King Is Rowed Ashore, handbells (any number of players), 1995 Triocek, violin, cello, piano, 1995 Whistling through Your Sound, any wind ensemble, audience (with whistling instruments), 1996 Yom Kippur in Belgrade, clarinet, 1996 2-Noter (chamber symphony), 2 oboes, clarinet (+ bass clarinet), bassoon, 2 trumpets, trombone, viola, 3 cellos, double bass, 2000 CHORAL: Sob-Laugh (text by the composer), mixed chorus, 1976 Flout 'em and Scout 'em (text by the composer), mixed chorus, 1993 VOCAL: Ballade (text by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [English translation]), soprano, any recorder, rebec, violin, viola, cello, 1960 Two Songs on Texts by Nietzsche (text by Friedrich Nietzsche), voice, piano, 1961 Songs from 'The Tempest' (text by William Shakespeare), voice, harpsichord, 1964 That dot dot dot Opera (text by the composer), speaker, clarinet, 2 trombones, fixed media, 1979 I – OU (text by the composer), any number of voices, 1980 Dreams through a Tube/American Heritage (text by the composer), 2 voices, 1980 Clothesline (text by the composer), soprano, flute (+ piccolo, alto flute), oboe, clarinet (+ alto saxophone, baritone saxophone), bassoon, violin/any voice, viola, double bass, piano (+ synthesizer), percussion, 1992 Arrivants (text by Kamau Brathwaite), voice, improvisational ensemble (clarinet, violin, percussion), 1994 (collaboration with Robert Benford, Noel DaCosta, Fred Simpson) Marx Bros. (text by the composer), voice, piano, 1996 Juicy Cantata, Parts 1–3 (texts from various newspapers), speaker, clarinet, guitar, computer, 1995–2000 PIANO: Suite, 1960 Two Inventions, 1961 Circular Thoughts, 1973 (version of work for clarinet) Paths I, 1973 (also version as Paths II: Concerto, piano, ensemble [flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, viola]) Relaxing at the Piano, 1976 Thunder/Rain/Churchbells, piano 6 hands, 1976 Cage's 'Dream' Dreamed, 1977 Diet Polka, 1999 (version of work for accordion) ELECTROACOUSTIC: Electronic Episodes (sound installation, music for exhibition by Les Levine, Tony Smith), 1968 Worm, fixed media, 1971 Electronic Book, fixed media, 1973 Phased Loops, fixed media, 1973 Solitude by Sibelius, fixed media, live electronics, 1973 First Songs of Saul, fixed media, 1974 Serial Faust Interviews (for Shea Stadium), fixed media, 1974 Solo Performance, fixed media, 1977 3'34", fixed media, 1979 If You Don't Have a Partner, Take a Wooden Chair (music for exhibition by Alan Glovsky), fixed media, 1986 Bed/House (music for exhibition by Alan Glovsky), fixed media, 1987 Selected Chambers, fixed media, 1987 Rants for Railings (sound installation, music for exhibition by Alan Glovsky), 1989 Beethoven's 5th for Music Stand, computer, 1990 Sixth Floor Not Fifth Floor: Elevator Bell Music (sound installation), 1991 Pornography Made Me Do It – Again, computer, 1993 In Earth (sound installation, music for exhibition by Alan Glovsky), 1994 MULTIMEDIA/PERFORMANCE: Crawling, Flying, Dancing (for All), any player, fixed media, slide projections, 1977 Sound Sculptures, sound sculpture, 1980 (collaboration with Robert Cooke) The Shouting Opera, dance troupe, clarinet, computer, film, slide projections (by Steve Cagan), 1986 From the Stars...and Stripes (text by the composer), digital voice, synthesizer, slide projections (by Steve Cagan), 1987 Figure/Ground, clarinet, fixed media, slide projections (by David Gearey), 1987 Barn Gongs, interactive sound-sculpture, 1988 George, Meet the Third World, clarinet, fixed media, live electronics, slide projections (by Steve Cagan), 1989 (also version as Managua-Matagalpa-Music, clarinet, marimba, fixed media, live electronics, slide projections [by Steve Cagan], 1989) Lethal Aid(e), gamelan, slide projections (by Connie Samaras), 1991 UFOs Made Me Do It, fixed media, slide projections (by Connie Samaras, Robert Schaffer), 1993 Seat of Sound, interactive sound-sculpture, 2000 (collaboration with Robert Cooke) FILM SCORE (DIRECTOR): 3% Vision, 2000 (David Gearey) ARRANGEMENTS: Bedhaya Sadra/Bedhaya Guthrie (Larry Polansky), clarinet (+ kemanak [bronze idiophone from Indonesia]), gendèr (metallophone from Indonesia) (+ kemanak), 1992 Ramona (Mabel Wayne), clarinet, trombone, gamelan, 2000 Symphonie Nr. 9 in D-moll, Op. 125 (Ludwig van Beethoven), small plastic violin toy, any number of handheld toy instruments/percussion instruments of indefinite pitch (any number of players), 2001 Java 2 (realisation of Four Voice Canon #13 [DIY Canon]) (Larry Polansky), fixed media, 2002 TEXT SCORE: Song for Jackson Mac Low, 1997 DISCOGRAPHY Circular Thoughts (version for gamelan). Gamelan Son of Lion (Folkways Records: FTS 31313, 1979 [reissued as Locust Music: 41/42]) (LP) The Thrush from Upper Dunakyn. Pete Rose, bass recorder (Opus One Music: 71, 1982) (LP) 40 Random Numbered Clangs. Gamelan Son of Lion (Folkways Records: FTS 31322, 1982 [reissued as Locust Music: 41/42]) (LP) The Red and White Cows. Monika Hölszky-Wiedemann, violin; John Lad, viola; Sorrel Hays, piano (Finnadar Records, 1985) (LP) Hear the Sound of Random Numbers; Random Chords (second version). Gamelan Son of Lion (New Wilderness Audiographics, 1985 [reissued as Locust Music: 78]) (cassette) Wind Symphony. Relâche (private, 1987) (cassette) Circular Thoughts (original version); Selected Chambers. Daniel Goode, clarinet (Frog Peak Music, 1987) (cassette) Higher Song from Clarinet Songs. Daniel Goode, clarinet (Leonardo Music Journal: 1, 1992) Diet Polka (original version). Guy Klucevsek, accordion (Wave/Eva, 1992) Clarinet Songs. Daniel Goode, clarinet (XI Records, 1993) Slendro Clarinet, Welcome! Daniel Goode, clarinet; Gamelan Son of Lion (GSOL Records, 1995) The Red and White Cows. Petr Kofroň/Agon Orchestra (Grafické Partitury a Koncepty – Graphic Scores and Concepts [book with CD], audio ego: 01, 1996) Eine Kleine... (second version by Nick Didkovsky). Nick Didkovsky, electric guitar; Binky Boy (Punos Music, 1997) Juicy Cantata, Parts 1–3 (excerpts); Song for Jackson Mac Low. (Leonardo Music Journal: 7, 1997) Tunnel-Funnel; Fiddle Studies (original version). Peter Standaart, flute; Libby Van Cleve, oboe; Ronald Krentzman, clarinet; Richard Cohen, soprano saxophone; Eric Grunin/CrossTown Ensemble (Tzadik Records: TZ 7029, 1998) Eine Kleine Gamelan Music. Gamelan Son of Lion (GSOL Records, 2002) Bedhaya Sadra/Bedhaya Guthrie (Larry Polansky). Daniel Goode, clarinet, kemanak; Larry Polansky, gendèr, kemanak (Artifact Music: ART-1023, 2002) Java 2 (realisation of Four Voice Canon #13 [DIY Canon]) (Larry Polansky). (Cold Blue Music: CB0011, 2002) Eight Thrushes, Accordion and Bagpipe; Cœur d'Orr (Harold Budd); improvisation; Mockingbird. Stoyan Boshnakov, gaida (bagpipes from southeastern Europe); Daniel Goode, clarinet, bass clarinet; Guy Klucevsek, accordion; DownTown Ensemble (Frog Peak Music: FP0010, 2003) Circular Thoughts (version for gamelan); 40 Random Numbered Clangs. Gamelan Son of Lion (Locust Music: 41/42, 2003 [reissue of Folkways Records: FTS 31313, Folkways Records: FTS 31322]) Tremolo; Hear the Sound of Random Numbers; Random Chords (second version). Gamelan Son of Lion (Locust Music: 78, 2006 [reissue of New Wilderness Audiographics]) The Red and White Cows. ZWERM (New World Records: 80748-2, 2013) Annbling; Circular Thoughts (original version); Sonata; Ländler Land. Daniel Goode, clarinet; Michael Finckel, Alexandra MacKenzie, Pitnarry Shin, cellos; Sarah Cahill, Joseph Kubera, Douglas Martin, pianos; Tara Simoncic/The Flexible Orchestra (New World Records: 80744-2, 2014) | ||