(b. 1950, Gevgelija). North Macedonian composer of mostly orchestral, chamber, choral, and vocal works that have been performed in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Prof. Mančev studied at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and there earned his BMus in pedagogy in 1973 and his BMus in music theory and pedagogy in 1975, then studied composition there with Vlastimir Nikolovski and earned his BMus in 1979. He then studied composition with Jiří Dvořáček at the Akademie múzických umění v Praze – Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in 1980–81, on a fellowship, where he then had postgraduate studies in composition with Josef Ceremuga and Jiří Dvořáček from 1982–88. He later studied orchestration with Dimitar Sagaev at the Pancho Vladigerov National Academy of Music in Sofia from 1995–99, where he earned his Dr. Sci. Among his honours are Third Prize twice in the competition for choral music TEHO in Tetovo (1978, for Harvester, Op. 10; 1990, for War, Op. 8), the Panče Pešev Prize for best composition three times from the North Macedonian Composers Association in Skopje (1989, for Symphony No. 2, 'Paganophony', Op. 23; 1995, for Old Song, Op. 27; 2002, for Exodus, Op. 30), a lifetime achievement award from the Society of Music Pedagogues and Teachers of Macedonia (2014), and the Trajko Prokopiev Prize for lifetime achievement from the Macedonian Composers Association (2015). He has taught analysis, composition, instrumentation, musical instruments, orchestration, and techniques of 20th-century composition at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University since 1990, where he has been Professor of Composition since 2000. CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail address: COMPLETE LIST OF WORKS STAGE: Sonata (choreography by Ljupčo Georgievski), 6 male dancers, oboe, piano, Op. 17, 1981 ORCHESTRAL: Sinfonietta, large orchestra (64 players), Op. 11, 1978 Symphonic Poem, large orchestra (76 players), Op. 16, 1981 Concerto, violin, large orchestra (78 players), Op. 22, 1985 Symphony No. 3, 20 strings, Op. 25, 1988 Old Song (concerto scenes), large orchestra (88 players), Op. 27, 1994 Song and Dance, 20 strings, Op. 29, 2000 Exodus, large orchestra (85 players), Op. 30, 2001 Solemn Heroic Dance, military band, Op. 37, 2007, revised 2013 CHAMBER MUSIC: Contrasts (cycle), viola, piano, Op. 5, 1975 Two Parts, cello, piano, Op. 7, 1976 Three Sketches, flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, bassoon, Op. 12, 1978 Sonata, viola, piano, Op. 15, 1980 Dance, piano, percussion, Op. 19, 1981 Sonata, violin, piano, Op. 26, 1989 DD..., flute, Op. 31, 2002 Cadence and Coda, flute, clarinet, bassoon, Op. 32, 2002–03 Monologue and Dialogue, bassoon, Op. 33, 2002–03 Screams, oboe, bassoon, violin, cello, piano, percussion, Op. 36, 2009–10 CHORAL: Land of Stone (text by Ante Popovski), mixed chorus, Op. 2, 1974 Three Elaborations (texts from traditional sources from North Macedonia), mezzo-soprano, female chorus, Op. 3, 1974 War (text by Jovan Koteski), male speaker, mixed chorus, Op. 8, 1976 Harvester (text by Jovan Koteski), mixed chorus, Op. 10, 1977 Slavjanophony (oratorio, texts by Ilija Džadžev, Slavko Janevski), baritone, male speaker, mixed chorus, large orchestra (134 players), Op. 13, 1979 Symphony No. 1 (vocalise), mixed chorus, oboe, Op. 14, 1979 March of the Bicyclists (text by Ilija Džadžev), children's chorus, 1981 The Year 1014 (text by Ilija Karajanov), mixed chorus, Op. 20, 1981 The Fatherland (cantata, texts by Vasil Ikonomov, Georgi Stalev Popovski, Marija Kukubajska), baritone, male speaker, mixed chorus, large orchestra (127 players), Op. 24, 1987 VOCAL: Sanitarium Ballad (song-cycle, text by Mateja Matevski), mezzo-soprano, piano, Op. 4, 1974–75 Flowers of Freedom (song-cycle, text by Ilija Karajanov), mezzo-soprano, piano, Op. 21, 1984 Symphony No. 2, 'Paganophony' (vocalise), baritone, large orchestra (80 players), Op. 23, 1986–87 Intrada and Capriccio (vocalise), soprano, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, Op. 28, 1998–99 Symphony No. 4, 'Requiem' (text by the composer), soprano, male speaker, large orchestra (94 players), Op. 34, 2001–04 PIANO: Miniatures, Op. 1, 1973 Suite, Op. 6, 1975–76 Sonata, Op. 9, 1977 DIDACTIC MUSIC: Why do I have my hands to touch my mother's face? (song for children, text by Ljupčo Trajkovski), child's voice, orchestra of folk instruments from North Macedonia, 1985 | ||